In mice, iNOS plays a very important role in controlling the disease (humans have evolved other mechanisms of Th1 mediation, e.g. Vitamin D receptor-mediated mechanisms [11], which seem to be easily available to sun-exposed humans compared to nocturnal mice). Normally resistant mice that have been made deficient in iNOS become susceptible to L. major, while phox-deficient mice are able to control the disease, implying different modes of action by reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by phox and reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) such as NO [12]. iNOS competes with arginase for the same substrate, arginine. But unlike arginase, iNOS produces citrulline and the radical NO which is not further metabolised to produce a source of energy, building blocks or nucleotide synthesis. In fact, a complex inter-regulatory network of competition and inhibition exists between arginase and iNOS on an enzymatic level (iNOS produces NOHA in the first step to NO catalysis, which acts as an inhibitor to arginase1 [13]) as well as on the complex cross-regulation of cytokines that induce these enzymes (reviewed elsewhere and in [14-16]).
The balance between these two enzymes is therefore of crucial importance to the parasite, with the activity leading to proliferation and the other to parasite killing.
SOCS proteins are a relatively recently discovered group of at least eight intracellular proteins that act as negative regulators of cell signalling [17-19]. Their SH2 domain binds to phosphorylated Tyrosine (pY) residues and disrupts cell signalling involving Tyrosine kinases, while their SOCS box-domain has been shown to have ubiquitin E3 ligase activity [20-24]. One major route for poly-ubiquitinated cytosolic proteins is their degradation by the proteasome while mono- or multi-ubiquitination of membrane proteins leads to the internalisation or even lysosomal degradation of these proteins [25]. (see: "")
Many major cytokine receptors such as IFN‑γR, and IL‑4R do not have an inherent Tyrosine kinase activity themselves, but ligand-induced dimerisation leads to recruitment and activation of Tyrosine kinases of the JAK family which in turn lead to the phosphorylation and activation of STAT transcription factors [19]. Tyrosine phosphorylation is a widely used messaging system for short-lived, reversible and regulated signal transduction. In addition to cytokines such as IFN‑γ and IL‑4, many other receptors use phosphorylation of Tyrosine residues as a signal. They either act directly as Tyrosine kinases themselves, (the insulin receptor phosphorylating itself and its substrates IRS1 and IRS2 see review by Youngren accepted for publication in CMLS 2007), or recruit Tyrosine kinases to phosphorylate downstream signalling adapters for them. Phosphorylation of proteins can also be used to facilitate the recruitment of individual components into larger signalling complexes held together and assembled in the correct order by pY – SH2 domain binding (for instance, it may be possible that phosphorylation of the TLR leads to its recruitment into complexes involving other signalling molecules such as PI3 kinases, adenylate cyclases or G-proteins or other proteins with kinase or lipase activity, not to mention other substrates [26;27]).
Because they are induced by cytokines such as IL‑4 and IFN‑γ, it should come as no surprise that SOCS proteins are differentially expressed in different types of T helper cells, as indeed they are, playing an important regulatory role in the development of different cell types [35].
The mechanism of action is not entirely clear although or (paradoxically perhaps) because antimony had been used as a medicine since antiquity and in its modern preparation since the first half of the 20th century. Based on observations in responses to helminthic infections, it had been speculated that antimony could interfere with the sugar metabolism of the parasite [74], but promastigotes do seem to be able to survive culture in the presence of antimony. Apart from applications in anti-leishmanial chemotherapy very little is know about the pharmacological properties of antimony. However, arsenic, its smaller and more famous cousin, has been used in a number of pharmacological studies. It ranks highly in the lists of toxic agents and chronic low-dose arsenic exposure has been linked to a number of cancers. However, the mechanism of carcinogenesis is not fully understood yet. It is a known carcinogen yet it is not a potent mutagen in itself. The lack of any prominent signal transduction pathway and animal model for arsenic carcinogenesis has led to the belief that it acts as an epigenetic carcinogen. It was only recently shown that long-term low-dose exposure of arsenic leads to a reduction in intracellular S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and a loss of DNA methylation [75]. This is most likely due to methylation of arsenic depleting intracellular levels of SAM and an observed repression of DNA methyltransferases DNMT1 and DNMT3A gene expression. (see: "" and "")
SOCS proteins act as negative regulators to a great number of cell signalling processes including IL‑4R and insulin receptor signalling. The observed correlation between resistance to Leishmania infections (advantageous to the mouse) and insulin resistance (pathologic) in different strains of mice seems to suggest SOCS as the common link. Not only do they inhibit physical association of receptor and adapter proteins by occupying crucial pY residues, their SOCS box domains can act as ubiquitin-E3-ligases promoting the mono-, multi- or poly-ubiquitination of target proteins, resulting in down-regulation of trans-membrane receptors through internalisation, redistribution of membrane bound proteins to endosomal/lysosomal compartments (TLR [78]) or proteasomal degradation of cytosolic proteins (possibly STAT, other SOCS proteins [79]). The SOCS-induced shuttling of TLR to the endosomal/lysosomal pathway could be used in antigen-presenting cells as an efficient way to redirect microbial material to cellular compartments that then ensure preferential/efficient antigen presentation (as demonstrated in the case of Toxoplasma gondii and TLR11 [78]).
E) Is SAM content/ DNA methylation linked to pathogenesis of Leishmania in visceral leishmaniases?
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